The smiliest man we've ever seen on a Harley, Charlie Boorman, will be spinning yarns in Vicar Street on Sunday night. Still some tickets left at time of press... Amanda Kavanagh caught up with him a couple of weeks ago to talk tents, TV and touring
How would you describe the live show?
It's a kind of a Q&A session where I'll be interviewed on a stage full of motorbikes by Billy Ward, who runs biketruck.com. It'll be an opportunity to voice all the things that didn't get included in the TV show or books.
Like what?
More than anything, there's a lot stories and stuff that happened when the camera wasn't quick enough to catch it. Funny things and silly situations you get yourself in and you think, "Oh God, what am I doing here?"
Where is the most exotic place on the tour?
That's a tough one. Maybe Glasgow? That's probably the only exotic place in the UK, aside from Cornwall.
What kind of questions are you asked in the Q&A audience session?
I'm always asked what happened in the tent with Ewan [McGregor]. But you know, what happens in a tent, stays in a tent.
You started your journey to Sydney for By Any Means in Wicklow... Why?
I grew up in Wicklow and it's the place that I learned to ride dirt bikes, up in the Wicklow hills around Annamoe. There was a guy nearby called Tommy and it was because of him that I really got into motorbikes properly. He had a dirt bike when I was a kid and he let me have goes on it. So I've got him to thank for all this! Wicklow has been the starting point for so many adventures. My first was for my father's [John Boorman] film Deliverance and I haven't stopped since. I wanted to start the trip from home, where things really started for me. That was really important.
Where are the best and worst places you've been?
There hasn't really been a worst, although there were some hairy situations. The best was Mongolia on the Long Way Around. It was pretty incredible and it was difficult to get across. The people there were so warm and there you never see any waste, everything is used. They are just lovely people. Papa New Guinea was great too.
The live run is finishing in Dublin, what's next?
Well, probably a big hooley right after and then I'm heading to Jordan for a TV show, which I'm very excited about.
Charley Boorman Live visits Vicar Street, 58 Thomas Street, Dublin 2 on 28th March. Tickets €23. charleyboormanlive.com, vicarstreet.com
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