Best Place to Dump Someone
It’s always a difficult choice. But when it comes to dumping it’s all about location, location, location. While we’re not claiming to be lothario heartbreakers, we’ve seen enough tears and sad faces to know the St. Stephen’s Green is the hotspot for Dublin dumping and when you stop and think about it; it’s actually the perfect location. Now the flowers are in full bloom, it’s pretty enough to distract from the general despair of the situation. There’s solitary benches aplenty to conduct ‘the talk’ on and while it’s quiet enough to let someone down easy it’s crucially, public enough so your date can’t make too much of a show. And if a moment gets a bit too hairy, there are always people around to divert your attention. Just make sure to pick a spot away from the loved-up and handsy summer couples who litter the lawns. Oh, and one more thing, good luck.
St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2.
Best Place to Rollerblade
With Dún Laoghaire’s east pier coming in a close second, it’s Phoenix Park that prevails as the best spot for rollerblading in Dublin. Knowing how our earnest plans can fall by the wayside, a swift visit to Smyth’s toys for some cheapo blades was made and we took to the paths. Along lengthy avenues paved with smooth tarmac, you can take your practice that bit further up by Farmleigh and falls are cushioned by the grass verges. Not that we fell much... Ahem. It’s the location of choice by the Ride and Roll group who meet here regular to slalom (zigzag) through cones and do all sorts of crazy tricks. While their beginner lessons are out till September, they’re still holding regular meet-ups and rides throughout the summer. If we manage to get the weather, brace yourself for a lot of fun, sore ankles and a lot more respect for your ten year-old self.
Phoenix Park, Dublin 8, rideandroll.eu
Best for Tattoos and Piercings
If you’re getting something painful and permanent done, you want to be hands safer than Gigi Buffon’s. That’s where the hands of the Snakebite staff come in. But don’t let the name put you off. Having undergone several piercings in various shops dotted around Dublin in my ‘radical youth,’ only the piercing from this Middle Abbey Street shop remains. Robert, Erin, Denis and tattoo apprentice Seán make up the current tattoo team, all of which come from fine art background. They’re willing to tattoo anything, no matter how weird, although good luck beating a recent piece by Erin of a Velociraptor dinosaur brandishing a shank. Bizarre but brilliant art, coupled with friendly customer banter, sensitive treatment and fantastic aftercare are all part of the package here. Pictures of their art work are displayed on their Facebook page for the curious and if you have any queries or qualms they’re dealt with efficiently and in good humour on there too.
Snakebite, 54 Middle Abbey St, Dublin 1, 874 0011, snakebite.ie
Best Place to Style Perv
While Dublin street style blogs buzz around the art colleges and the usual clubnights, they can also be found hovering around South William Street where a slighter broader section of society is on show. With outdoor seating a-go-go, you can watch the world and his mother go by from the comfort of a café and behind the safety of sunglasses - a must to hide gawking eyes. We’ve seen all sorts here. From the more daring lamé leggings and string vest combo look, to smart business wear, the South William is a catwalk to it all. Despite the street name coming from the unfortunately named William Williams, who was not particularly known for his flair with a lace collar or glazed linen shirt, the street has thrived. With deadly shops like Harlequin, Retro and Size? just around the corner and the Powerscourt centre smack in the middle, it’s little wonder this spot is poifect for clothes pervin’.
South William Street, Dublin 2
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